Riley's Diagnosis

Riley James Faiai is my 2 year old son who was born with Craniosynostosis and probable Pfeiffer syndrome. When he was 5 months old, Riley had surgery to reconstruct his skull. This blog is the journal, story, and timeline that has helped me put Riley's Journey into words. Browse around the archives and feel free to contact me for more info or support! -Lauren (

Monday, November 27, 2006

Upcoming Appointment

Hey Everyone!
Just an FYI, Riley has an appointment with the audiologist tomorrow (Tuesday, the 28th at 9:00AM). He'll be taking the BAER test, which is an enxtensive hearing test where they will monitor brain waves. The doctors are hoping that they'll find something that will be able to be repaired during his surgery. I'm hoping they won't find ANYTHING and that this hearing loss is something that he mayh have already grown out of! So please pray for Riley tomorrow (tuesday) @ 9AM.


The Doctor's assistant called and said the audiologist had a family emergency. Steve asked if everything was going to be ok with the doctor's family, and she said "no". So...pray for them instead. Riley's appointment has been rescheduled to December 6th @ 8:30AM.

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