Riley's Diagnosis

Riley James Faiai is my 2 year old son who was born with Craniosynostosis and probable Pfeiffer syndrome. When he was 5 months old, Riley had surgery to reconstruct his skull. This blog is the journal, story, and timeline that has helped me put Riley's Journey into words. Browse around the archives and feel free to contact me for more info or support! -Lauren (

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Riley has the second part of his BAER (hearing test) this morning at 8:30AM. He needs to be completely asleep for this test, so pray that he takes a NICE LONG nap during the time he's there. I won't be able to be there, so pray that Steve won't have any trouble on his own, and that God would give him wisdom to ask all the right questions.

Tomorrow, Friday, the 14th, we have our first pre-op in Santa Monica. At this appointment, the surgeon will take "before" photos and will assess Riley's health to make sure he's well enough for the surgery in 3 weeks.

Riley still has a cold. He's getting better everyday, it seems. He's made a huge improvement in the past two days, but he still has a little cough.

Nerves are running higher for this momma everyday. I feel a desperate need to draw close to the Lord, these days, as I try to rely on His peace instead of attempting to control everything on my own!

Thanks for reading...and praying!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Darling Grandchildren Lauren Steve and Babies. I feel so much love for all of you. God will take care of this situation with Riley. He is all knowing and good.

Times like these try your soul, I am so glad you are reaching out to others. We gain strength from one another. Grandma, Lots of hugs