Riley's Diagnosis

Riley James Faiai is my 2 year old son who was born with Craniosynostosis and probable Pfeiffer syndrome. When he was 5 months old, Riley had surgery to reconstruct his skull. This blog is the journal, story, and timeline that has helped me put Riley's Journey into words. Browse around the archives and feel free to contact me for more info or support! -Lauren (

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

3.27.07 Update

Riley James - 8 Months

Cameron Lee - 2 Years 5 Months

Aside from fighting a nasty battle against his infantile eczema, Riley is recovering from his surgery like a CHAMP! A few remaining stitches are almost ready to come out, and were are noticing definite changes in his head structure as plates and bolts begin to dissolve. Riley has a hearing test coming up sometime next month. Then we'll find out if the surgery corrected his hearing loss. A good friend of mine, Sarah Tolson, took these pictures of Riley and Cameron. I hope you don't mind me using them here, Sarah. I just couldn't resist. Hopefully everyone who reads this will visit your photography site!

Thanks everyone for checking in and, as always, for your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Those are gorgeous portraits of your baby boys! Those you must enlarge and frame!


Sarah said...

Of course I don't mind silly!! :) Your boys are precious.