Riley's Diagnosis

Riley James Faiai is my 2 year old son who was born with Craniosynostosis and probable Pfeiffer syndrome. When he was 5 months old, Riley had surgery to reconstruct his skull. This blog is the journal, story, and timeline that has helped me put Riley's Journey into words. Browse around the archives and feel free to contact me for more info or support! -Lauren (

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Riley's Second Surgery 12.27.07

It was just another day in scrubs for my sweet Riley James. Today, Riley got tubes in his ears. We've known for a while that he's had a blockage in his eustation tube, and after a couple of canceled appointments, we were finally able to get the procedure done today.

We checked Riley in at 7:15AM and after a few tests and waiting around, the anesthesiologist took my boy away at about 10AM. That 2 hour and 45 minutes of waiting is incredibly painful. Not only because my one year old baby is waiting without having anything to eat or drink all night, but more because I spent that entire time anticipating the moment he'd be taken away from me and taken to anesthesiology. It would have been nice if we could have just ARRIVED, and dropped him off. That way I wouldn't have had time to think about all of the terrible things that could go wrong!!

Everything went fine. Riley was a little angry when he saw us after he woke up. I could totally sense his feeling of betrayal. Nothing a million kisses and some snuggling couldn't cure! After he calmed down, we took him home. He's been nauseous all day and I can tell that he's in some pain. But I think he'll be back to normal by tomorrow or the end of the weekend.

1 comment:

TK said...

When I first saw his picture I thought he looked so much like Steve and then after a second glance I saw Cameron. Sorry L I didn't see you. Anyways I can't believe how much his hair has grown. Glad that is behind you guys and he is doing ok.

Now you can focus on more exciting matters at hand. No stress stress.